>Off The Map

>My DVR tivoed Shondra Rhimes’ new show on Thursday, as it was on in place of Private Practice.  Boyfriend and I watched it- it was interesting, but the coolest part is, coconut water from immature coconuts has the same electrolyte balance as blood plasma, and can be used in situations where you don’t have blood available.  I didn’t believe it till I looked it up.  But if they need RBCs, not just volume replacement, don’t think it would work.
The show is interesting, but inaccuracies in medical shows drive me crazy.  You don’t get into med school by drinking your way through college unless you’re a genius, and you don’t get a plastics residency by partying your way through med school- as one of the characters on the show (really hot guy), apparently did.
Don’t know if I’ll make it a regular show, but i’ll probably DVR it in case I’m ever bored.